
The Anglican Church of Luxembourg takes safeguarding very seriously. Scroll down for more information.
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The Anglican Church of Luxembourg takes safeguarding very seriously.

Anyone who wishes to work with children, young people or vulnerable adults, or who holds any position of responsibility in our church, must have a background check and complete safeguarding training. Our safeguarding policy is on display in the church and a copy of the document can be found here.

A Safeguarding Policy Document has been drawn up by the Church of England, including the Diocese in Europe to which this Chaplaincy belongs.

Full details can be found o­n the Diocesan website by clicking here

If you have any comments or questions please contact our Safeguarding Officer Moira Hogg.

If you have a safeguarding concern, however small, please speak to the Clergy, the safeguarding officer or the Diocesan Safeguarding Team as soon as possible. If anyone discloses a concern to you, please listen attentively, write everything down as you heard it as soon as possible afterwards, and share the disclosure with the Chaplain and / or the Diocesan Safeguarding Team immediately. You will also find useful information on although this does not cover safeguarding concerns about vulnerable adults.

Safeguarding is everyone’s concern, and by working together we can ensure that our community is safe for everyone. Thank you for your support and understanding.


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17 November 2024 Safeguarding Sunday -

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