About All Saints Luxembourg

Welcome to our Church!

Our Belonging statement:

Being a diverse community where everyone can belong
• We strive to be a church where everyone can belong, regardless of physical or mental ability, age, church tradition, cultural background, ethnicity, gender, physical or mental health, nationality, neurodiversity, sexuality or wealth. We celebrate the gift of diversity.
• We are on a learning journey about the ways we can unintentionally exclude individuals or groups. Knowing we will sometimes get it wrong, we continue in faith to work together to include everyone as fully as possible, echoing and celebrating God’s abundant hospitality for each of us.
• We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission & Vision

Christians believe that love is at the heart of who God is and God’s will for our lives – love for God and love for others. That love is uniquely revealed in Jesus.
Please take a look at the YouTube video below.
The Christian faith is about relationship and lifestyle, a 24/7 thing. We are called to a new relationship not only with God, but also other people, the world around us and also ourselves. Faith is as much about what happens in the office on Monday as it is in church on Sunday. This is the adventure of a life-time, what Christians call being a disciple (literally learner) of Jesus.
Look out for the various opportunities we offer to explore the Christian faith. We hold them throughout the year and you are most welcome to join in.

We love good questions!

Who We Are

The Anglican Church of Luxembourg (an English-Speaking Church) is made up of people of all ages from many different nations and very different backgrounds. Our worship and activities are in English, but our members speak many other languages. In all that we do we try to express the depth and diversity of the Christian spiritual tradition so that we can offer a welcome to all.

Part of the Anglican Communion

We are part of the world-wide Anglican Communion, a congregation of the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe which extends from the Canary Islands to Moscow; a vast family of congregations embracing many climates and cultures. The Anglican tradition is very broad, and that enables people of very different Christian denominations to make a spiritual home with us

Our church is one of thirty six Church of England churches in the Archdeaconry of North-West Europe. The Archdeacon is Ven. Sam van Leer, based in the Netherlands, and the Area Dean for Belgium and Luxembourg is Revd. Stephen Murray based in Ghent.

In Luxembourg since 1956

The English-Speaking Church Community in Luxembourg (Anglican Chaplaincy), the original name, was founded by a small group in 1956. Since the 1970’s we have worshipped at the Konvikt Chapel (konvikt means a seminary).

Since 2004 we have been known as the Anglican Church of Luxembourg and have been recognised as a Church by the Luxembourg Government under the Convention between the Luxembourg State and the major faiths in Luxembourg. A revised Convention came into force in 2016.

We are part of the Conseil de Cultes Conventionné (Council of Conventioned religious bodies).

The Convention between the Luxembourg Government and the Anglican Church (pages 49-51)

Law of 23 July 2016 regulating the amount and methods of granting annual financial support to the Anglican Church of Luxembourg

The most important decision any person can ever make is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. It’s the best thing anyone can do.’

– Archbishop Justin Welby

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