Sunday 16 February

09.30 Holy Communion (BCP)

Third before Lent

A quiet traditional Holy Communion (BCP) with a short sermon and no singing or music

Sunday 16 February

10.45 Simple Holy Communion with hospitality (No JC)

Third before Lent

Service of  Simple Holy Communion with either contemporary or traditional music (live or recorded), a sermon plus interviews, prayer ministry etc.

Sunday 23 February

09.30 Holy Communion (BCP)

Second before Lent

A quiet traditional Holy Communion (BCP) with a short sermon and no singing or music

Sunday 23 February

10.45 Holy Communion

Second before Lent

A service of Holy communion with JC, YG & Hospitality

Service of Morning Worship with either contemporary or traditional music (live or recorded), a sermon plus interviews, prayer ministry etc.

Sunday 2 March

09.30 Holy Communion (BCP)

A quiet traditional Holy Communion (BCP) with a short sermon and no singing or music

Sunday 2 March

10.45  Morning Worship with JC & hospitality

Service of  Morning Worship with either contemporary or traditional music (live or recorded), a sermon plus interviews, prayer ministry etc.

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